



  大阳城游戏·(中国)官方网站 大阳城游戏于1992年,主要从事生产自走式联合收割机变速箱和橡胶履带(的民营企业)。公司坐落在风景秀丽的历史文化名城——浙江临海市江南开发区,左临灵江,右靠括苍山,与甬、台、温高速,台、晋高速相邻,104国道贯穿门前,交通十分便捷,地理位置优越。现拥有固定资产2.5亿以上,厂区面积68000平方米,建筑面积39000平方米,具有现代化、标准化、花园式的厂区厂房。公司现有职工380人,其中中、高职称工程师10人,专业技术人员35人,拥有精良机器设备和雄厚的技术力量。


  企业集科研、开发、制造销售与服务为一体,建立了一整套严密、科学的质量控制程序。2005年通过了ISO9001:2000 质量管理体系认证。企业以优化设计与集成制造技术为根本,生产收割机专用变速箱及农机9大类变速箱达20多种产品。主导产品收割机专用变速箱,引进消化吸收国内外各种变速箱的特点,经过自主研发而成。该产品主要技术性能达到国内外同类产品的先进水平,填补了国内中小型履带自走式联合收割机专用变速箱的空白,获得浙江省“新产品开发奖”。主导产品钢丝帘线单根绕制无接头橡胶履带,以其先进的专利工艺、可靠的使用质量、优惠的销售价格、完善的三包服务深受联合收割机配套厂和农民用户的青睐,享有很高的市场信誉。2021年生产收割机专用变速箱35000台、橡胶履带100000多条,年产值达3亿元以上同比2020年增长50%左右,计划未来两年达到5亿以上,在2025年超过6亿。近几年,公司每年都以翻倍的速度快速增长。



Main business

The largest enterprise), CNC saw, CNC milling machine, CNC grooving machine, CNC machining center, CNC angle drilling and tapping machine, woodworking. Milling machine, woodworking sawing machine, integrated material processing equipment, woodworking machinery auxiliary equipment, dust removal equipment for environmental protection equipment and painting protection equipment, culvert.

Covering the woodworking industry sawing, planing, integrated material milling, splicing, jigsaw, sanding and furniture manufacturing, milling, sawing, drilling, Mechanical equipment required for processes such as type, veneering, sanding, assembly, painting, etc. More than 200 sales and service centers of Wedley nationwide cover each.

Our strength

The first- and second-tier cities in the province radiate to North China, Central China, South China, Southwest China, etc. In the sales and promotion of overseas markets, the company produces.Products have been exported to more than 80 countries around the world. In the past 20 years, it has been developing conscientiously. Recognized as Guangdong Province by Guangdong Province in 2013 Manufacturing company top 500.


WDL's future strategic development direction: Based on the development concept of “three pillars”, we will create a product and service chain to achieve numerical control.


Networked, intelligent; and provide information technology for furniture manufacturing process, modular development of overall solution technology; manufacturing chain to few people. Development of production mode with chemical, paperless, processing and assembly information; management of business chain to data, standardization, process, and network. The development of information management mode.





emailEmail: yunzhou@163.com

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